Our Articles

The Power of Collaboration for Innovative Solutions

Design Thinking, supported by Qualitative Market Research, can produce innovative solutions to complex problems.

QRCA Blog | July 2023


The Impact and Role of “Conscious Environmentalism” on consumers in a Complex Economic Environment.

QRCA | Summer 2023

Agile with Iterative Global Research

International projects on a global scale can easily get overwhelming with cost and project management. Try an iterative approach to save time and cost.

QRCA Blog | February 2022

Forschung in volatile Zeiten: – warum Kürzung von Budgets kontraproduktiv ist

A group of marketeers from around the globe discussed the new challenges for marketing due to the pandemic situation and the impact on research budgets

Planung & Analyse | August 2020

Pflege am Limit

Deutschland steht vor einer großen Aufgabe. 2,5 Millionen Pflegebedürftige stellen viele Familien vor eine große Herausforderung. Das Institut IKM führte für ein junges Startup eine Untersuchung durch. Ziel war es herauszufinden, wie die Pflege durch Familienmitglieder und professionelle Pfleger mit Hilfe innovativer Technologien erleichtert werden kann.

Horizont | Winter 2018

Rethinking Incentives

Finding and Engaging Participants without Paying Incentives

QRCA | Summer 2018

What new products and services do pet owner really need?

How Think Global Qualitative generated global insights into companion pet ownership and brought consumers into the creative product development process. 

Spring 2017 | Research Choice

Using a Global Blitz Community

What do Pokémon and Woman’s March have in common? And what do these have to do with qualitative market research? 

Fall 2017 | QRCA Views Magazine

Motivation schlägt Incentive

Lässt sich ein Proband durch das Versprechen an etwas Wichtigem mitzuwirken mehr motivieren an einer Umfrage teilzunehmen, als durch Bares?  

Winter 2017 | Horizont 

Video is King

Livestreaming: Welche Möglichkeiten bietet die Technologie dem Marketing? 

Summer 2017 | Horizont

Pokomania: Erste Studie zur Poko-Mania

What is behind the phenomenon of Pokemon Go and its attraction to the young adults. A global Blitz Community provides answers.

Planung & Analyse | July 2016

Just Married! A love story between qualitative research and social listening

This paper uses a case study to shed light on the methodological possibilities that open up with the combinateion of social media  listening  and  more  traditional  qualitative interviewing techniques. 

Winter 2016 | Esomar – Globalqualitative 

In die Schuhe der Kunden schlüpfen

The Do’s & Don’ts of conducting international market research. 

Fall 2016 | Plannung & Analyse 

In 48 Stunden um die Welt

This article presents a “qualitative blitz community”. A tool to research topics globally and in a minimum of time. 

May 2016 | Research & Results

Tips to successfully organize International Research

This article discusses the different project management stages and special requirements of global projects. 

Spring 2014 | Greenbook

Fact or Perception

Qual Differences in the Big Three Western European Countries 

Summer 2013 | QRCA Views 

Mobil – Neue Methoden in der qualitativen Marktforschung

Ilka Kuhagen on the special rules applicable to online marketing research, their peculiarities and on how non-verbal communication can help transmit emotions in this special form of interaction with research subject. 

Jan 2012 | Planung & Analyse 

Taking Advantages of Smartphones for Responsive, Targeted Findings

Ilka and Janina Kuhagen set out to trial the latest tools for mobile research in a real project setting. For QRCA Views, they summarised their impressions and learnings. 

Fall 2012 | QRCA Views 

Wohin steuert die qualitative Online-Marktforschung?

lka Kuhagen summarises and analyses the key trends in Online Research based on a discussion with corporate researchers in a hands-on practical forum trial. 

Feb 2011 | Research & Results 

Listening to Nonverbal Cues When Conductiong Online Qualitative Research

In this collaboration with Janina Kuhagen, Ilka Kuhagen gives practical insights into useful approaches in analysing online interaction with research participants. 

Summer 2011 | QRCA Views 

Virtuell in die Tiefe – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen qualitativer Marktforschung

This article analyses the chances and limitations of online market research. 

Jan 2008 | Research & Results

Teenager und die digitalen Medien

This article investigates teenagers’ internet habits and behaviour towards digital media. 

Feb 2008 | MarketingProfile 

How Global is Your Village?

This cover story on qualitative online research featured in “Views” is a detailed overview of Project Global Village, a multinational case study with a team of QRCs from around the world on the use of projective techniques online and the ways of communication of teenagers. 

Spring 2008 | QRCA Views 

Online vs. Offline Research

Ilka Kuhagen’s follow-up article on online research contrasts the advantages and pitfals of online research methods with the traditional offline tool set.

May 2008 | Research & Results

Patient experience with oily skin

A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective- the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments. A study on the use of online methods in clinical research. Co-authored by Ilka Kuhagen. 

Sept 2006 | Health and Quality of Life Outcomes