Be Responsible And Achieve Peace of Mind: Self Testing

Germany is waiting for at home test kits. In most places they were sold out within a short time frame after opening. While there seems to be a huge demand, there is still also some reluctance and barriers to break down. 70% of the community members think that basically testing kits are great. 30% are […]
Torn Between Excitement And Fear: open up or close?

There is excitement in the air, Germany is opening up again. Some feel it is to early others are waiting eagerly for normality to return.
New ways to spend money

While participants in the IKM Consumer Community realize they saved money over time during the lockdown, they also became aware of new areas where they spent their money. Changed Lifestyle: A big change is happening in the area of nourishment and food. While eating out has been replaced by home delivery, there is a trend […]
Unexpected full pockets

During the prolonged lockdown, consumer behavior changed slowly and apparently almost unnoticed. While stating that nothing really has changed in their consumption, most of the participants realize that they spent significantly less money over time. Thus, saving doesn’t occur on purpose but it seems related to a change in consumer. 80% say they have spent […]
Vaccination Brings New Hope

Two thirds of the community participants would like to get vaccinated, rather sooner than later. Many are already registered and are expecting to be vaccinated this summer. Some hinge it on the availability of vaccines. Typically, one friends circle has the same opinion. Still there is this other third who is still reluctant and would […]
Carnival 2021 – Crazy on The Safe Side

Carnival for Germans peaks in a long weekend from Thursday to Tuesday and is celebrated in different ways depending on the region. Karneval in the West and Fasching in the South, for example. This year, it was cancelled for the whole of Germany. Another typical German long weekend holiday missed due to Corona lockdown. We […]
Exciting Joyful Anticipation for The Small Things

Will the lockdown be loosened or continue for another few weeks. All is still in the air in Germany. Though pleasant anticipation is the best kind of delight. After weeks of lockdown and a year of relinquish, what is most looked forward to? Many participants in our community think they will only slowly get used […]
Challenging Corona Christmas Holidays

Christmas of 2020 will most probably be remembered as the “Corona Christmas” and stories be told how different it was and how usual traditions had to be altered or abandoned. While Weihnachtszeit is such a special time in Germany, it was quite different this time around and a lockdown during the holiday season brought many […]